Survey question types

To add questions to your survey, select a question type onto the survey from the BUILDER section of the sidebar in the Design Survey section

Surveys are a lot more complex than simply asking a question to a group of people. To collect accurate, reliable results, your survey must be created and written with care. The types of questions you use can influence how they're answered and how you can use your survey data. Mobilityways offer a range of different question types. This guide will outline the different question types available to you so you will know which one to use for your question.


Survey questions explained

ACEL question

ACEL question is a set multiple choice question that has been specifically created to understand how your respondents commuted to work on that day. Since the ACEL question is a universal benchmark used to determine how populations commute to work the ACEL question therefore cannot be edited. The results from ACEL questions can be used to generate ACEL report.

Example: How did you commute to work TODAY? (Main mode of travel)? Options: Walked / Run / Cycled / drove on my own / Bus / Train

Checkbox questions

Checkbox questions are similar to multiple-choice, but they often ask respondents to "check all that apply," leading to multiple answers for one question. These questions add flexibility to respondents' answers.

ExampleWhat are your favourite colours? / Blue / Red / Green / Yellow / Orange

Comment box questions

Comment box questions are completely open-ended. You would use comment box questions to ask for feedback, or answers that require detailed lenghly descriptions and vary too much for pre-set answer lists (like in multiple choice or drop-down).

ExampleTell us what your typical morning commute might look like?

Drop-down questions

Drop-down questions are like multiple choice, respondents can only choose one answer but they must often choose from an ordered or pre-arranged list. This type of question is also used when the question has a long list of answers, such as demographic questions that ask for a city or state.

ExampleWhat is your income level? £0-25k / £26-50k / £51-75 / £76-100k / £101k+

Location questions

Location questions ask respondents to enter a location or an address. The location question will automatically look up the respondent's input and present a list of locations for them to confirm.

ExampleWhat is your postcode?__________________

Multiple-choice questions

Multiple choice questions ask respondents for a single answer among an array of options. They still limit respondents' answers, though, as they can only choose one answer from your fixed list.

Example: Which social network do you most frequently use?  Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / LinkedIn / YouTube

Number Rating questions

Number rating questions typically feature three and 10 answers on a scale of numbers, satisfaction measures, or the like.

Example: How satisfied are you with your daily commute 1 — Very Unsatisfied / 2 — Somewhat Unsatisfied / 3 — Neutral / 4 — Somewhat Satisfied / 5 — Very Satisfied

Single text box questions

Textbox questions are completely open-ended. You would use textbox questions to ask for names, feedback, or answers that vary too much for pre-set answer lists (like in multiple-choice or drop-down).

ExampleTell us your favorite HubSpot blog post. __________________